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ONline resources

Recommended by our Pastors

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Tremendous resource for every conceivable theological and pastoral issue in ministry.  Submitted articles are well-written and must go through an approval process which is obviously lacking in someone’s personal blog or website. I have observed that this makes the quality of their articles much better and more balanced.  Type in any topic in their “EXPLORE” bar and you’ll have a host of blogs, articles, essays, etc. on whatever topic you’re researching. 
Ministry that specializes in ecclesiological and pastoral issues. There’s no ministry I know of that delves into church-related/pastoral issues to the depth Nine Marks does.
A ministry of Nine Marks. Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman discuss church-related/pastoral issues. Very engaging, succinct, thought-provoking, and light-hearted in nature.  Scroll through the different topics they’ve discussed and pick the ones that most interest you. Listen to them in your car (and discover the joy of a political-free, sports-talk free car ride!).  Listen at website (or iTunes and Spotify)
A ministry of Nine Marks.  Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi have “expositional conversations” about the Bible.  They are going through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  They may not hit every verse of Scripture, but they do discuss every single chapter and helps the listener understand Scripture enormously.   Find it on their website, iTunes and Spotify.
Online teaching ministry of Alexander Strauch.  A ministry singularly dedicated to serving and helping elders.
The online teaching ministry of John MacArthur.  Listen to sermons on every book of the New Testament.  This is a treasure trove of resources with a clear teaching of God’s Word.
The online teaching ministry of John Piper (and other teachers).  This site specializes in teaching the church the role of joy in the Christian’s life – that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”  There are many great resources on this site.  Check out the “Features” tab: Ask Pastor John – People write in with very difficult, complex questions. Piper responds with thoughtful, yet brief answers.  Look at the Book – An in-depth bible study with John Piper. All you see is the text of Scripture and John Piper’s markings on the text as he studies and explains various passages of Scripture.
The online teaching ministry of Alistair Begg.  Check out the numerous sermons, blogs, articles.
The online teaching ministry of R.C. Sproul that specializes in helping you understand Reformed doctrine. 
This is a very reliable resource that gives brief answers to basic questions. There are answers to almost 700,000 questions on this site. Examples include…
"I have forgotten the different heresies of the Trinity";  "Need a basic brush up on the different views of the end times";  "Want to remember “Who are the Nephilim again?”; or
"What are all the names for Satan?"
The Bible Project has excellent, short video overviews of each book of the Bible that will help give you the overview, context, and purpose of each book as you study the Word.
The premiere Bible software resource for pastors, lay leaders, or anyone who wants to go much deeper in their bible study.  This requires a paid subscription, but the link to this site will help you choose the right package for you.  If you don’t want to spend the money for this, you could always use a free online resource like (but they don’t compare to Logos).


Check out their page on the Top Commentaries.
A helpful website when choosing commentaries.
A helpful website when choosing commentaries.
A great free commentary resource!
Dr. Constable’s free online commentary with exegetical notes on every book of the Bible.
Logos Free Book of the Month - Every month Logos gives away at least one free book, often a good commentary. This is a great way to start building up a commentary resource library for free!

online resources for leadership

Biography Lectures by John Piper.