(614)833-0700 | office@gracebiblecw.com

Whether you are joining us online or in-person, get ready to study God's Word.

Grace Bible Church is a place where people come to hear the Word of God preached, engage in life-giving community, and seek to grow in their relationship with the Lord. We would love for you to be a part of our family!
Sunday mornings, come get a free cup of coffee and stop by our Welcome Center before or after a service to get connected and learn more about events, bible studies and our Life Groups.

Who We Are

We are a group of imperfect people worshiping a perfect God because of the grace of God. You’ll find that grace is the common thread that runs through every ministry and expression of worship here.

What We Do

When we gather, we sing together, study God's Word together, engage in life-enriching community together, and ultimately seek to honor and glorify God together. 

What to expect

Expect to open up the Bible, to sing, to laugh, to get serious. Expect to relax and not worry what others are thinking of the way you're dressed. Expect to encounter the truth of God's Word and community with His people. 

What about kids?

What about teens?

We offer several age-appropriate programs for kids on Sunday Morning.
Click the button below to go to our Grace Kids page for more information!
We encourage our teens (grades 7 - 12) to be part of the main service on Sundays, and then join us at Grace Student Ministries in the evenings for
fellowship, food, games, sermons, and small groups.
Click the button below to go to our GSM page for more information!

What kind of music do we play?

See our Spotify playlist here, which is updated weekly to include both the songs played last Sunday and the songs planned for the upcoming Sunday.

Service times

Sundays at 10:00 am