(614)833-0700 | office@gracebiblecw.com

What we do

As a ministry of Grace Bible Church, Homeschooling with Grace exists to provide support for home educating families through Christ-centered and God-honoring social, spiritual, and educational events as we encourage and challenge one another to pursue excellence in godliness, relationships, service, and education. 


  • Field trips
  • Holiday events
  • Park visits
  • Service projects


  • Curriculum recommendations
  • Helpful books and websites
  • Mentorship opportunities


  • Fellowship nights for parents
  • Prayer partnerships
  • Emails, forums, and social media

How do I join?

Homeschooling with Grace is open to all Grace Bible Church and other like-minded families in the community who actively home educate and those who are considering it for the future. To join, you can register online or contact us to receive more information. All membership requests are reviewed by the membership team prior to approval. There is no membership fee, but we do request that every family commits to attending at least two activities during the year and helping to coordinate at least one more. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have!