THE Gospel
Oct 30, 2022 • Pastor Joe Bennett
A message by Joe Bennett on 10/30/22 out of 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
1. There is nothing more important than the gospel (3a)
2. The gospel is for both believers and unbelievers (1-3)
3. The gospel is good news not good advice (1-11)
4. The gospel is: God is holy. I am not. Jesus saves. Christ is my life (3-11) a. God is holy (3) b. I am not (3) c. Jesus saves (3-9) d. Christ is my life (9-11)
Grace Student Ministries is a ministry of Grace Bible Church located in Canal Winchester, Ohio. The purpose of Grace Student Ministries is to train the next generation to make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.